
Sauna info

Saunas have been used for thousands of years and are still very popular today. Sweating has long been used as a therapy. The Mayans used sweat houses 3000 years ago, In Finland, saunas have been used for thousands of years, and 1 in 3 Finns still use them. Saunas are an integral part of the way of life today and becoming very popular around the world. 

Saunas come in many forms – electric, wood-heated, smoke and infra-red.

Steam Punk Sauna operate with a traditional electric Finnish sauna with rocks where you can pure water over the rocks for steam.

Approaches vary too, with no hierarchy among them, lots of the time sauna is built from cedar wood which give a beautiful aroma smell.  

In a sauna, people cleanse their bodies and minds and embrace a sense of inner peace. Traditionally, the sauna has been considered as a sacred space, at the heart of the experience lies steam, the spirit or steam released by casting water onto a stack of heated stones.  

Sauna benefits may include detoxification, increased metabolism, weight loss, increased blood circulation, pain reduction, anti-aging, skin rejuvenation, improved cardiovascular function, improved immune function, improved sleep, stress management, and relaxation. 

Steam punk mobile sauna offer the opportunity to bring the sauna experience to you and beautiful places where you can enjoy the benefit of the sauna as well what nature have to offer to combine a wonderful experience of hot and cold.


How long is a sauna session? 

We recommend sauna session lasts between 15-20min at around 80 degrees. If you plan on staying in for longer, you will need to take a break, go for a walk get some fresh air in between or if a cold plunge is available that could a great enhancing of hot and cold experience.

Maximum time is 1 hr, with 1 or 2 cold plunge breaks.  

What do I need to bring to the sauna?

Bring bathers, a towel to sit on and to dry with, a healthy drink or water to hydrate.

It is not recommended to drink alcohol before sauna session due to high dehydration effect of alcohol but you can defiantly have a drink after your session.

It is not recommended to eat right before your session ,take at least 1.5 hour before your session .

Where are you located? 

Steam Punk Sauna will operate in a variety of locations around Victoria, locations will be listed on our website and social media 

How many people can the sauna fit?  

We can comfortably fit between 6-8 persons. 

How hot does your sauna get? 

60 – 85 degrees 

Are you insured? 
